

has a story to tell

What’s yours?



Tech companies have revolutionized how we work, play and live, but they are still subject to the same underlying problem of every business. In order to survive, they need to quickly explain why customers need their products or services. With competition the way it is, a feature benefit comparison and price grid just doesn’t do it.

Enter Truth.

We work with companies to create compelling stories that become the basis for marketing and public relations campaigns that move the sales and perception needles to 10. Everyone sells in an organization, and having the right talent without the right ammunition means even the best products can fail. Let us work with you to create stories that matter, and ensure you can take your company to the next level.


“People need stories they can believe in.”

marcos sanchez  |  founder



30 years is a lifetime in the tech industry, but that’s how long it took to decide that it was time to focus on what interests us most. In that time we’ve seen it all, the IPO, the dot bomb, the aqui-hire, the walking dead, the crypto boom and inevitable crypto bear. More often than not, those companies have been serviced by the high volume, grip and grin Mc-Agency that packs them into a walmart approach to communications, or if they’re lucky, the one or two person shops that are great for a short term fix, but unable to scale with the complexities of growth.

That’s not us.

A great communications partner should act like a great investment fund, picking and choosing with an eye towards creating a successful portfolio, or series of portfolios. Not only are there synergies that can be had, but more importantly people need to have the knowledge, vocabulary and connections that will make them and ultimately their clients successful.

Curious who we’ve helped? How about VeriSign, iBand (macromedia), Egnyte, App Annie, and Unity Technologies, and SKALE Labs just to name a few.

It’s always great to grab a coffee, but ultimately, like with any great relationship, it’s important to recognize quickly if there’s a fit. We want to build a sustainable offering that backs the great companies of tomorrow, today. Now that you’ve read about us, what’s your story?