That Inspire
Get Customers
For Life


How we work

Get to know you

As technologists, we’re exposed to a whole host of different solutions that cover areas as diverse as AR/VR to security to gaming to crypto and everything in between. We can’t specialize in it all, but we can make sure that we understand your space. So we do things a bit different. While we can’t become experts, we can do our own homework to become smart representatives by using our evangelists framework. We look to learn your:

business goals
Point of view

It also means that when we decide to work together, we need to learn your culture and how you like to work. It may not be for everyone, but we find that embedding ourselves at your company can be enormously beneficial. Just like a journalist on the front lines (literally), will be able to get stories someone behind a desk can’t, we believe the same is true for getting things done with you. It doesn’t have to be permanent, but it should happen. We’re more invested, and so are you.

Create your story

Once we’ve begun to learn about you, and it doesn’t have to take forever, that’s when the magic can begin. You can have the best marketing in the world, but if you haven’t taken the time to create the right stories, you’re only going to get so far. History is littered with amazing products that flopped or went nowhere, don’t let that be you. We’ve all heard the parable of creating a solid foundation, whether it was Peter or the three little wolves, it’s critical. Once you’ve created your foundational stories you can grow them in many directions. What are these foundational stories?


This builds the foundation upon which you can setup a tactical plan to evangelize your product to the world. Sure you can do it sooner, but who wants to try and summit Mount Everest without the right gear?

Plan your attack

Strategy and tactics, that’s what you’re left with. It’s at this point that you’re ready to start planning (and executing) on the process of telling the world about your vision and why they need you (and not the other way around). Whatever the channel, PR, AR, Speaking, Events, Social, Digital, SEM or Web, the key here is to creating an underlying base, then add a series of campaigns that can effectively build on each other creating forward momentum. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and not everyone is going to hit a home run every time. But guess what, even Facebook built itself up over time, years, so repetition and relationships are king. That means curating yourself and your products methodically and strategically. Sometimes over years.

The honest conversation

I learned working in the VC world for a hot minute, that very very few make it. I knew that before, but working at a VC showed that reality in a brutal light, which is ultimately part of why I left. I say this not to discourage you, but to point out the reality that you probably have a better chance of winning the powerball than becoming the next Google, Facebook, Oculus, Red Hat etc. Shoot for the moon, it’s important, but check yourself every once in a while, you’ll make smarter decisions if you do. Also, there’s a better than good chance that we’re not a fit for you since much like VCs we can’t take on every client.


“People buy a product once, vision is what keeps them coming back. ”

Marcos sanchez  |  founder


What we offer

We aren’t trying to be everything to everyone. In fact, what I’ve learned over the years is that it takes a very different team to offer marketing services than it does to offer communications services. We do not think you’ll be hiring us to be your outsourced marketing department, though we can help you thinking about how you might want to set up yours. What we do offer is the best communications services with the right supporting areas of expertise. Whether that’s US, or International, we can make that happen for you, and where appropriate, connect you with trusted partners across the globe. To that end, the list of what we offer falls into the following categories:

messaging & positioning consulting

crisis communications

social media Bureau

research & insights

Communications assessments & triage


 Who we’ve worked for

Here are just a few of the notable tech companies we’ve done work for over the years.
